Friday, May 28, 2010


well i started my project on rearranging my room and i'm semi finished! i moved my bed and got a new dresser from ikea that me and katrine had to lug into my car cause it was super heavy! got some swedish meatballs to take home for dinner and it was delicious! and i also got my tv last night! cost me a bit much but it is super cool! now i just need to get rid of the old t v in my room and bring it downstairs, then get my new computer table and my room is all set! whoo! i love it! looks great!

anyways. i'm currently home alone right now cause my parents are at a dinner with their friends, katrine went to daly city, jiro went to reno and my brother isn't coming home. bleghck. its just me beebee and koko at home. its okay. i cooked myself cornbeef with cabbage it was delicious!

i was watching the old jonas brothers concert earlier and it totally pumped me up for the jonas brothers concert that i'm gonna be going to! whooooo! i can't wait. i'm super excited. hmm..

i dont know what else to talk about. i'm really bored at home. i got 4/5 of my grades posted. so far i'm satisfied with my grades. i need one more grade which is the most important class that i have! and grades were due yesterday!! ugh i hate how my teacher is such a lagger at these things. i really hope that i got a B-! at the very least!!!

hmm.. its memorial day weekend! i want to go shopping at macys!! maybe i'll find some good deals!! lol. i really need to save money but i want to buy so much things!!! its so bad. i wish i was rich!

well i haven't really been getting to my goal lately cause i haven't been going to the gym/running or eating healthy. i really need to buy running shoes asap so i can start running! and maybe if i run then i will have the courage to really eat healthy!

this whole blog is a bunch of random stuff cause i don't know what else to say. lol.

ok maybe i'll blog later when i have more stuff to say.. ok byee

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