Wednesday, October 18, 2006

1. watch tv
2. sleep
3. shop
4. play piano
5. play volleball
6. go online
7. talk on the phone
8. hang out with friends
9. eat
10. driving

1. I know how to turn the tv on and switch channels. I also know how to put it on favorites.
2. I know how to lye down and close my eyes.
3. I know how to spend my money at stores when I see something I like.
4. I know how to read notes and which keys are which notes. I also know the tempo on each piece by looking at the sign. I know which chord is for your left and right hand.
5. I know how to play the game, the rules, how many people on the court, what positions, dive, hit, block, serve, etc.
6. I know how to click internet explorer and browse online
7. i know how to use my phone, dial the numbers, call someone, store their number, put ringtones on their number.
8. I know how to hang.
9. I know how to put food in my mouth, chew and swallow.
10. I know how to start the engine, put it in gear, step on the gas, step on the brakes and put it on hand brakes.


Why others should care:
Others should care about my topic because one day they might want to play volleyball or teach their kids how to play volleyball. They would need to know the rules and the moves of how to hustle in volleyball.

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